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Residential programs, which provide residential supports to individuals living in apartments or single-family homes as they develop their potential and maximize their independence.

Life-sharing, a unique opportunity for individuals with a disability to live with and share life experiences with non-relatives in a caring home environment.

Day programs, intellectual disability, autism and behavioral health services in Delaware which provide social skills and life skills development through volunteerism, vocational training, and a variety of other activities.

In-home supports, which offer assistance to individuals living at home with household chores, cooking, daily living and social skills and more.

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION SUPPORTS (CPS) is designed to provide opportunities to individuals with disabilities for integration and inclusion in their community.

Supported employment, in Pennsylvania is comprised of a variety of programs designed to assist individuals in finding and maintaining employment in today’s workplace.

We currently serve southeastern Pennsylvania, central Pennsylvania and Delaware.

  • Since our programs and supported employment in Pennsylvania are tailored to meet each individual’s specific needs, the combination of recommended programs and services will differ for each individual. For example, staff support may be offered around the clock, or for as few as three hours of support per day.
  • Community Interactions’ team works to meet the balance of the individual’s needs and the dignity of risk and self-actualization; we believe that the hopes and dreams of the individuals we serve are foremost.
  • Admissions, the provision of services, and referrals of individuals are made without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, or sex.
  • Program and supported employment services from our team in Pennsylvania are made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and economically feasible method available.
  • For more information about the overall programs for adults with intellectual disabilities, autism and behavioral health challenges
    offered by Community Interactions, Inc., in Pennsylvania or about the services we offer in your state, feel free to contact us directly.