Our Services in Pennsylvania

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From community living for adults with disabilities and autism in Pennsylvania to independent living, for a few hours per week or 24-hours a day, individuals who participate in our programs and services depend on Community Interactions, Inc., to support them in making their own choices and enjoying the same quality of life as others in their community.


Community Living Arrangements allow individuals who need staff support to meet their desired outcomes in a home setting. The number of individuals residing in each Community Interactions residential community home varies, based on choice and each person’s needs.


CI’s residential community homes and apartments are staffed around the clock with direct support professionals who provide assistance and care. Our community living homes in Pennsylvania for adults with disabilities and autism maintain a license through the Office of Developmental Programs or are monitored by the Office of Behavioral Health, in addition to monitoring by CI’s own quality assurance system.

LIFE-SHARING THROUGH FAMILY LIVING is a program where individuals with a disability live and share a home and life experiences with supportive persons, to whom they are not related, in a family environment. Inviting someone into a home to help them lead the most rich and rewarding life possible is the most natural way for community members to support an individual. Through this arrangement, individuals with disabilities become active, participating members of a family.

CI works diligently to find just the right person or family to participate in this special program. CI matches an individual’s personality, talents and skills with families that will help them develop their areas of interest and address their needs and desires. Our goal with all our group homes in Pennsylvania for adults with disabilities and autism is to create a living arrangement that is mutually satisfying and rewarding.

Life sharing is a wonderful program that enriches the lives of all involved!

Person-Driven Supports (PDS) is an independent program for individuals requiring fewer than 29 hours of supervision per week. Our PDS programs serve one or two persons living in beautiful and personalized apartment settings. While this independent program is an unlicensed service, CI’s quality assurance system is in place to monitor the delivery of service.

The PDS program assists individuals with financial budgeting, household management and cooking. People residing in these settings live independently and many are employed in the local community. Recreational and cultural activities can be an integral part of their day, as they allow participants in this program to take greater responsibility for their decisions and actions. Community Interactions, Inc. provides supports and staffing hours based on the needs of the individuals served in the program.

Deaf and Hearing Impaired programs take place in specialized settings for individuals with disabilities and in a unique arrangement in which both staff and individuals communicate through American Sign Language as well as other suitable current modes of communication.

CI’s group homes for adults with disabilities and autism in Pennsylvania provide adaptive equipment based on the needs of the individuals such as strobe light fire alarms and bed vibrators to provide for the health and safety of the individuals in the home. The staff in these homes help create a positive atmosphere that meets the linguistic and cultural needs of this group, allowing individuals to be a vital part of their community.

Supported Employment

Community Interactions’ Supported Employment Program assists individuals as they navigate the employment environment. CI’s program identifies the individual’s interests, abilities, work experience, education and skills. Employment specialists work with individuals to set career goals, assist with resume writing, employment applications, job searches and interviews.

Job coaching follows the program’s individual to their new workplace environment, giving them support and assistance while they learn job duties and responsibilities. Our ultimate goal is to have individuals transition to the natural supports available through the employer and for the job.

Home-Based Community Services

Community Participation Supports (CPS) is designed to provide opportunities to individuals with disabilities for integration and inclusion in their community. Activities are planned with the individual based on interests and assist them in developing skills and increasing potential to be an active member of their community. CPS is intended to increase independence and the potential for employment as well as becoming a valued member of the community.

CPS activities are community-based and focus on the development and facilitation of relationships. Through volunteer work, clubs and other group activities, skills are practiced and designed to help with future employment opportunities.

If needed CPS may also include learning to navigate the community through public/private transportation.

Home Based Waiver (HBW) is a program at Community Interactions that provides support for individuals who live at home. Home-based supports can range from assisting individuals with household chores and cooking to teaching daily living and social skills, or helping them get involved and connected with their community. Staff may also take individuals to doctor appointments, grocery shopping or social events in the community.

The individual or their family decides how, where, when and by whom the services will be provided. This program is designed to give people services that improve the quality of their lives, while helping them gain greater independence and lead fuller and more meaningful lives.

Contact us to learn more about our Pennsylvania programs and services.